Student Life

Clubs & Activities

30+ Clubs

Seton offers over thirty clubs and activities for our girls to join.
We promise all of our students that there is a club for them to participate in! If there is a club or an activity that one or more of our students wants to participate in that is not offered, we encourage our girls to meet with our Dean of Student Activities to start a new club.

List of 46 items.

  • Ambassadors Club

    Elizabeth Seton ambassadors are students invited to serve as official representatives of the school. Students visit area middle schools, assist with various school functions, serve as hostesses for visiting students and enhance the image of Elizabeth Seton through their interactions with others. The Ambassadors Club meets prior to various on-campus recruitment events.
  • Art Club

    The Art Club at Elizabeth Seton High School has the philosophy that art should be open and accessible to all students. The club provides students with the opportunity to learn about hands-on art and craft techniques in a relaxed atmosphere. Membership is open-ended and all are welcome to share and express their creativity, no matter their ability level. Activities are peer-directed and support is offered by advanced art students.
  • Black Student Union

    Click here to access the BSU student-run page.
  • Book Club

    The Book Club selects a book to read as a group each month and holds monthly meetings to discuss each book. The club also collects student writing to edit and publish in the school literary magazine, The Roadreader. Meetings are informal, and membership is open to all interested students.
  • Class Officers

    Each class level elects its own officers. Officers are elected in the spring for the following school year and in the fall for the incoming freshman class. Class level officers help to fundraise for class activities and host class events as well as work as members of Seton Council to contribute to whole school events, such as Spirit Week and Catholic Schools Week.
  • Cyber Patriots

    The Cyber Patriot team allows students to play the roles of Information Technology specialists of a small company. The students are challenged to find cybersecurity vulnerabilities within a computer network and secure the system while maintaining its services. The team meets weekly during the school year to prepare for local competitions against other schools.
  • Dance Team

    The Dance Team provides the opportunity for students to explore artistic expression through different genres of dance and performance experiences. Members of the Dance Team perform for school events such as pep rallies and athletic games to promote school spirit, as well as participate in local dance competitions throughout the year. The Dance Team typically practices three days each week after school. All students are invited to try out!
  • Daughters of Mary Rosary Club

    This club will gather to pray the rosary in order to bring each other and our Seton community closer to Jesus. The club will provide time to pray for the needs of our Seton sisters and to share their faith.
  • Destination Imagination

    Destination Imagination (DI) is a problem-solving STEM competition that requires teams to work together and use their creativity, imagination, knowledge, research, and more to solve a task given to them. There are two types of challenges: A Central Challenge, and an Instant Challenge. In the Central Challenge, teams are given approximately three months to create an innovative solution that answers a challenge prompt by creating an eight-minute skit with required components and an added flair of imagination. In the Instant Challenge, teams are asked to solve a challenge on the spot with limited resources and time (i.e. building a structure out of index cards and straws, or making a performance about an island you just discovered, etc.).
  • Drama Club

    The purpose of the ESHS Theatre Program is to cultivate and develop the talents and abilities of our students in theatre arts through involvement in classroom instruction as well as the after school club, the Seton Theatre Company. The club meets Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3-5pm and as rehearsals for plays/musicals dictate. Students are given the opportunity to learn basic acting skill and express their creativity on stage, as well as through behind-the-scenes elements such as set and lighting design and costuming. They practice and present these skills through various presentations/productions, namely our annual fall play and spring musical.
  • Ecology Club

    The purpose of the Ecology Club is to improve the environmental quality of our lives by educating, encouraging, and practicing environmentally conscious habits.
  • Equestrian Club

    Committed to providing a safe, competitive, educational, and challenging environment with growth and leadership opportunities for equestrians of all backgrounds and experience levels. The club provides rewarding & meaningful equine opportunities and experiences for all Seton students.

    Barn sessions require weekly attendance sheet sign up no later than EOD Thursday prior to every barn session. Virtually, the club will be twice a week (once for check in and sign up and two for virtual discussion and learning).
  • Fandom Club

    Fandom Club is a club for anyone who wants to connect with other students by sharing similar interests in comics, video games, movies, books, and more. We meet every other Friday from 3-5 with a different theme for each meeting. We aim to celebrate all different kinds of fandoms, encouraging other members to join fandoms they've been wanting to join or have never heard about. Being surrounded by members of varying opinions helps fangirls gain confidence and a voice by channeling their passion for their Fandom. We do fandom themed fundraisers, watch movies, have debates, listen to music, play jeopardy and so much more!
  • Film Club

    Film club hopes to view, discuss, and analyze different styles of film, developing the students' aptitude for film critique. Film choices are made by students, so that they have a chance to share and discuss their favorite movies in a fun, relaxed setting.

    Meetings are scheduled for every Thursday from 3pm - 5pm, although not every meeting features a full movie. Some meetings are fully discussion based, where students discuss the movies from previous weeks while planning the next piece for viewing.

    Students can join at any time and there are no fees or requirements (other than interest in watching and discussing films).
  • French Club

    The French club aims to promote French and Francophone culture through a variety of activities. We meet twice per month, and celebrate French traditions such as Mardi Gras, Les Pâques, and Noël. We host an annual Faux Wine & Cheese Party, and sample typical French cuisine during our meetings. French films, music and board games are also a part of our many activities. Students do not need to be enrolled in a French class to be a member of the club. All are welcome!
  • Future Healthcare Professionals Club

    This club provides students early exposure to the healthcare field and motivates them to continue to do well in school so they can reach their goals.
  • Girl Up

    The Girl Up program connects girls to each other within our wider global community of supporters. We’re motivating a generation of leaders to raise their voices in their schools and communities, advocate to local and national decision-makers, and work together to advance gender equality.
  • Gospel Choir, Music Ministry

    The Gospel Choir sings a variety of gospel music to the praise and honor or God. The choir sings at concerts, schools liturgies, church services and school programs. The choir meets weekly after school and is open to all students.
  • International Club

    The International Club develops a greater awareness and understanding of the rich and historical roots of diverse cultures, and aims to foster a spirit of understanding among people. Each meeting provides an enriching experience enhanced by films, song, dance, arts and crafts, and other culturally relevant festivities. Through collective research, students explore cultural history, cook and eat various foods, and participate in fun activities. The club meets twice a month.
  • It's Academic

    An academic trivia-based competition that takes place in high schools, providing the participants the chance to compete in local tournaments.
  • Junior States of America

    This club’s mission is to encourage activism at Seton and give anyone who wants to raise awareness or speak up about a specific issue the outlet to do so. The mission statement of the JSA organization is to “strengthen American democracy by educating and preparing high school students for lifelong involvement and responsible leadership in a democratic society.”
  • Latinas Club

    Latinas Club celebrates the hispanic community through various activities including food, movies, arts, and service to others. The club meets twice a month and celebrates many special events such as Hispanic Heritage Month, the Virgin of Guadalupe, Independence Days and many more. Club members work diligently to raise money to sponsor a child in El Salvador and provide small scholarships for Seton Students. All students are welcome to join and enjoy the Hispanic culture!
  • Mental Health Awareness

    A club that raises awareness about mental health with a goal of  promoting and teaching healthy coping mechanisms for times of stress.
  • Model United Nations

    This club re-creates the UN General Assembly and other multilateral bodies. It allows students to act as ambassadors from various UN member states to debate with classmates, make speeches, resolve conflicts, and draft resolutions
  • Mu Alpha Theta

    Mu Alpha Theta, the National High School and Two-Year College Mathematics Honor Society, was formed in 1957 at the University of Oklahoma. We are dedicated to inspiring a keen interest in mathematics, developing strong scholarship in the subject, and promoting the enjoyment of mathematics in high school and two-year college students. Currently, more than 124,000 students are Mu Alpha Theta members at more than 2,633 schools in the United States and in 23 foreign countries.

    Mu Alpha Theta provides a method for schools to recognize and encourage students who enjoy and excel in mathematics.

    Mu Alpha Theta is an honor society. Members (third/fourth year math students) have to have a minimum of a 3.0 grade point average and other requirements, such as service hours and an essay, to apply. Associates will be able to set goals to become members.
  • National Honor Society

    Membership in the National Honor Society serves to recognize those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, service, leadership, and character.

    To be eligible to apply for membership, candidates must have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or better, must be a member of the junior or senior class (all junior transfers must be enrolled for at least 1 semester to apply). To maintain membership, a student must carry six academic credits, maintain a quarterly 3.5 GPA or higher, overall have and uphold Seton's chapters bylaws. Seton’s chapter of the National Honor Society organizes school events such as the Induction Ceremony and the Variety Show. 
  • No Place for Hate

    No Place for Hate® is a program designed to inspire a national movement led by students and educators who are committed to using the power of positive peer influence to build inclusive and safe schools in which all students can thrive. This student-led coalition is responsible for identifying bias and bullying issues in the school, developing measurable goals to address these issues, and coordinating and overseeing the implementation of anti-bias and diversity activities throughout the year designed to achieve those goals.
  • Pax Christi

    In collaboration with Pax Christi USA, our group's philosophy is: "We are all on the journey towards justice, because we see the value of our fellow human beings and the value of our world. A lack of justice equals a lack of peace. A lack of peace means destruction of our fellows and creation" ( As we grow in recognition of the sacred dignity of each person, we will become enabled to practice the way of Jesus' nonviolent love for all persons and creation. This will include developing habits of empathy through club dialogues and education on current events, service with those in need, and transforming unjust structures with creative nonviolence through letters to Congress, protests and rallys.
  • Peer Mentors

    Peer Mentors are specially selected juniors and seniors who undergo training to learn how to assist fellow students. A mentor serves as a resource, a sounding board, and a referral service. The job of Peer Mentors is to provide support, encouragement and information to other students in the areas of coursework, clubs, and relationships. Peer Mentors meet with a counselor weekly during the training period and then as needed to discuss the students they are helping. The mentors host an annual forum for freshmen giving advice on adjusting to Seton academically, socially and behaviorally. They also meet with individual students as needed.
  • Photography/Videography Club

    Teenagers today take photographs on a daily basis, and this club is meant to help Seton students enhance their eye for great photographs. The club is geared toward students who enjoy taking pictures (no matter how much experience they have), either using a stand-alone camera or a camera in a phone. We focus on different techniques, objectives, and subjects for photographs, to enhance students’ ability to recognize good photographs that they could take. We also practice taking photographs of various events or scenes that students might encounter for publications or in everyday life. Finally, we organize a school-wide photography contest in the spring.
  • Pro-Life Club

    The Pro-life Club's mission is to build a culture of life among our students and educate them about the dignity and sacredness of all human life from conception to natural death. The group meets once a month and helps fundraise for Gabriel Network.
  • Puzzle Corner

    Building community through puzzles and board games (and now video games)!
  • Robotics Runners

    The Robotic Runners is an award-winning competitive robotics team that participates in the Vex Robotics Competition and and builds, programs, and drives robots in competitions against other teams to win awards.
  • Seton Council

    Seton Council is comprised of the top elected leaders of the school. Within the Council are the officers of the Student Government Association, the National Honor Society and the individual class officers. Seton Council works collaboratively to plan special events, such as the spirit-filled Catholic Schools Week, encourages students to support the yearly school-wide charity, and discusses issues pertinent to the student body. This important group is often called upon to represent the school in a variety of ways.
  • Seton Diamonds

    The vision and objective of the Seton Diamonds Club is to empower young girls, teaching them to recognize and embrace their inherent worth, divine gifts and unique beauty. Using the vehicle of fashion, we explore topics such as body image, self-esteem, dressing appropriately and being financially savvy. These topics are addressed during our weekly Wednesday meetings. The girls also engage in basic runway/model training on Fridays in efforts to teach them to walk in heels with confidence and poise, but also to prepare them for our annual spring fashion show.
  • Seton Scholars

    Seton Scholars are students who have been awarded academic scholarships to attend Elizabeth Seton. These students strive to contribute to the Seton community by providing service to the school and by performing service to the community over and above their required service hours. Students must enroll in Honors classes and maintain a GPA of 3.5 or higher to remain in the program. Scholars are expected to exhibit school spirit through their involvement in co-curricular activities and to be positive spokespersons for the school. Scholars must also maintain excellent discipline and attendance records. Scholars hold regular meetings once a month and host monthly activities as well. Activities include: Thanksgiving Pie-Baking, Neighborhood Children's Christmas Party, Senior Citizen Prom and Graduation, Soup-making for the Homeless, Staff Children's Easter Party, Easter Baskets and Christmas Stockings for children in need, and Human Trafficking Symposium.
  • Seton Wealth Inverstors

    To help peers to understand what the stock market is and how it works. Additionally create opportunities for students to increase financial literacy and learn the basics of personal finance.
  • Sew & So's: Seton's Sewing Circle

    Sew & So's is Seton's sewing club. Learn how to design and sew your own clothes and tailor the clothes you already own.
  • Society of Women Engineers

    Educate and raise awareness to Seton students in the importance of women in STEM fields.
  • Spirit Club

    This club meets to  help to create signage for events including senior nights, dance and music performances, theater, arts, and athletics. We will cheer on and support all activities at Seton!
  • Step Team

    Stepping is based on a long and rich tradition in African-based communities that use movement, words and sounds to communicate allegiance to a group and draws movements from African foot dances. The stepping tradition in the United States grew out of song and dance rituals practiced by historically African American fraternities and sororities, beginning in the early 1900s. In addition to step shows and competitions on college campuses, today stepping can also be found in schools, churches and community organizations around the country and is spreading its wings to new venues and participants, such as Latino and Asian American Greek-letter organizations.

    Seton Step offers students the opportunity to perform “step” routines at both school and community functions. It is also a bonding activity. Seton Step holds fundraising opportunities throughout the year and generally meets twice a week.
  • Student Government Association

    The Student Government Association at Seton is composed of students, faculty and administration and provides a system of communication for all members of the school community, offers everyone a share in policy making, and promotes a sense of school unity and school spirit. SGA hosts pep rallies, Field Day, and the Student/Teacher Basketball Game as well as fundraisers for charity throughout the year. SGA is also responsible for recognizing student, faculty, and staff of the month.
  • Tri-M Honor Society

    Tri-M is an internationally recognized honor society for students in either the instrumental or choral music programs. Tri-M is “designed to recognize students for their academic and musical achievements, reward them for their accomplishments and service activities, and to inspire other students to excel at music and leadership.”

    Tri-M meets roughly twice a month and is focused on providing performances with audience members, and hosts Low-Key Lounge, an open mic night once a year at the school. Tri-M has about 30 members each year. Tri-M goes caroling at local nursing homes each year during the holiday season.
  • Vincentian Service Club

    Vincentian Service Club is composed of over 20 Seton students of varying grade levels. We usually meet once a month to plan service activities such as food drives, our annual Friends of the Poor Walk, and other events that are suggested by members of the club or the community. For example, one year we held a bake sale and raffle to help support struggling members of a Native American reservation at which a Daughter of Charity works. We are always open to any new ideas for service projects and want to do what we can to help those in need.
  • Writing Club

    This club focuses on writing and the different types of writing, mainly focusing on story writing, but also poetry, playwriting/screenwriting, non-fiction writing, articles, and essays.
  • Yearbook

    This club is a little different than others at Seton because rather than meeting outside of the regular school day, the yearbook staff meets as a class. The class itself is called Photojournalism, and collectively, yearbook staff members have a very tangible goal: to produce the school yearbook. There’s also a broader goal: to learn the principles of photojournalism, or telling stories through a mix of photography and words. The class focuses on a whole series of skills related to photography, journalism, and publishing: taking and editing photographs; conducting interviews; writing headlines, stories, and captions; laying out and designing spreads; and creating documents using publishing software. The name of the Seton's yearbook is Caritas, which is the Latin word for charity. The name of the book is derived from and dedicated to the school's sponsors, The Daughters of Charity
The Seton Spirit is really about love and building up those around you. The community that all the girls at Seton have formed is special and unlike one you'll find anywhere else. We support each other, cheer each other on, and wish each other the best. You know that the girls around you really care about you and want to see you succeed.

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